Ah, the first day of spring. The flowers are beginning to bloom, the snow has begun to melt and change is noticeably in the air. It’s the perfect time of year to reflect back on our New Year’s resolutions and discover new ways that we too can spring forward with the season. Whether it’s cleaning out our closets or switching to vegan haircare, there are several ways that we can upgrade our day-to-day habits in order to lead a healthier life. Wondering what steps you can take to refresh your resolutions for a healthier 2017? Here are a few easy lifestyle changes that will help you spring forward this season.
One of the simplest ways to get a head start on your day is by starting it earlier. In fact, according to Women’s Health, those who made a habit of waking up earlier found themselves agreeing with more statements that exuded action and confidence. By simply waking up an hour or two earlier, you can make a healthy breakfast, get caught up on the news and even squeeze in a workout. By the time you’re ready to head out for the day, you’ve already accomplished a few tasks. That feeling alone can help set the stage for the rest of your day.
None of us really need our old Halloween costumes or our ratty college sweatshirts. By cutting down on the clutter in your closet, you can focus on choosing pieces that you actually enjoy wearing and therefore, make your morning routine that much more enjoyable.
Not sure what to keep and what to toss? According to TheEveryGirl.com, there are a few questions to ask yourself when cleaning out your closet. The first is to look for any signs of damage to the clothing. If there’s a stain that’s been there forever or a hole you know you won’t take to the tailor to repair, then toss it. Next, think of an occasion that you’d actually wear the piece. If you can’t think of an occasion in the next three months, then it’s time to go. By being honest with yourself and taking the time to simplify your wardrobe, you can actually make room in your life for the clothes that you actually love.
Our hair is one of our best and most noticeable accessories. In fact, taking better care of your hair is an easy way to improve self-confidence. In an article for the Huffington Post psychologist, Vivian Diller stated that one of the reasons that our self-esteem is so heavily linked to our hair is because it is one of the external factors about ourselves that we can control. By exercising that control (a.k.a using quality products and showing your hair some TLC), we are exerting an important act of self-love.
Don’t ever underestimate the power of fresh air. By simply opening a window, you can help to circulate the air throughout your home and allow any indoor allergens, chemicals, or toxins to be released. Not only will this simple act have you breathing better, but it will also have you feeling better, according to Glamour.
Bland, boring meals often come in bland, boring colors. Add spice back into your life this spring by eating more colorfully. By choosing ripe and bright foods, you can add excitement back into your meals and say goodbye to empty calories and unnecessary chemicals. Healthy, colorful food is the only way you should be eating. So, next time you’re at the grocery store, choose any fruits and veggies that pop out to you. Let the rainbow of healthy foods guide you along your journey to wellness.
Feeling a little down and out? Get outside! By taking a short walk, you can boost your mood and your energy without turning to caffeine or unhealthy snacks. It’s a great way to break up the day and hit your internal refresh button.
There is a reason that every beauty and fashion website waxes poetic about SPF. It’s a total lifesaver for your skin. From dark spots to wrinkles and everything in-between, sunscreen is a must for those who want to stop aging in its tracks and ward off dangerous skin diseases.
By taking the time to reinvest in yourself, you can help keep your healthy lifestyle on target and make wellness the focal point of your life. Happy Spring!